
Turn to OBJECTIVE for an objective Christian perspective

Kidz Artwork Gallery

Lambuel & Friends Kidz Crafts Draw Lambuel! Dress Up Lambuel!

LOOK! More pictures! Don't forget to ask your parents to send your pictures to my friend Peggy at peggymiller@objectiveministries.org.*

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Kathy (8) drew Jesus and herself
saving heathens from bad temptations!

By Kathy, 8

Did you know that when Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom,
He'll bring back all the dinosaurs, unicorns, & other animals
that were in Eden and make them peaceful for us to ride?
It's true! (Read Acts 3:21 & Isaiah 11:6-9 in your Bible!)

Kathy's older sister Crissy drew the sort of
fun parties we'll have when that happens...
(click to enlarge!)

By Crissy, 22

"my drawing is of Jesus partying with skeet,
lil john, a dino and Lambuel. i want people to
know that Christians know how to party safe
and party with Jesus!"

Erica (12) shows how to avoid TEMPTATION...

By Erica, 12

Did you know that coffee is
made from "grounds"? YUCK!
Here's a rhyme I wrote...


Aleya (12) drew Jesus
showing Satan the Light...

By Aleya, 12

Satan is totally AGOG
seeing Jesus' AGAPE!

Billy (13) is a talented homeschooler with an interest
in the future of our Nation's space program! Glory!

By Billy, 13

"I made a picture of a SPACE CROSS
going around the world so all could see it!
Lambuel is there and is very happy."

I'm happy 'cause I'm an ASTROLAMB!
And 'cause once the SPACE CROSS is in
orbit, even the GODLESS FRENCH will
LOL! I know 'cause Jesus told me so...

"And I, if I be lifted up from the
earth, will draw all men unto me."
— John 12:32

My friend whose Internet nickname is
Eyebrow (15) testified how helpful Jesus is...

By Eyebrow, 15

Jesus will always help us
if we ask!

Sean drew a very powerful image of our Lord...

By Sean


He is strongest & always with us!
We have nothing to fear! HOORAY!

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Great job! Send me more pictures* and remember...

Jesus & I Loves You!

* NOTE TO PARENTS: Please do not send full-color, uncompressed Windows Bitmap (BMP) files as these will fill up our mailbox. Preferred formats are JPEG for scanned images and GIF or PNG for computer-drawn images. JPEG compressing an image drawn in a program like Window's Paint will make it much lower quality and more than 10 times larger than if you had saved it as a GIF or PNG. If the file size is more than a megabyte, then you have done something very wrong. Thank you and God Bless.

Please visit the following good Christian business:

Cabazon Dinosaurs