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Lambuel's Adventures!

Lambuel & Friends Crafts Kidz Art Draw Lambuel! Dress Up Lambuel!

Lambuel's Adventures!

I love to travel and share the Good News about Jesus all over the world! Won't you help me?

Construct your own Lambuel Action Figure and photograph me on all sorts of super adventures around your neighborhood -- or somewhere famous! Send them in so I will have a snapshot to remember all the fun we had!

Peter is a super crafty papersmith! He made all these models
out of paper and took me on adventures with them! Hooray!

"I made the paper models of Lambuel and his friends
from the web site, and I love them!! I am sending
some pictures of some of their adventures with my
other paper models. Here is the explanation of each
picture, with the correct Scripture reference:"

"Lambuel is carrying the message of Lord Jesus
into outer space! (Job 7:6)"

"Lambuel is witnessing to a new friend.
(Genesis 22:21)"

"Lambuel and his friends are going on a trip!
(1 Kings 10:2 and Isaiah 6:1)"

"Lambuel is preparing to fly! (Ecclesiastes 3:21)"


Peter sent in a new picture of Ruby & me...

"Ruby and Lambuel are on a cruise! Ruby is holding
out her arms in the sign of a cross to show her
gratitude to Lord Jesus. (Exodus 15:5)"

Jesus is King of the World!
I sure hope we don't sink...

Look at the neat picture Nick made...

"In my pictures, Lambuel is teaching
Mr Gruff the Atheist some lovely hymns"

"Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!" Yay!

Send more pictures of our adventures and remember...

Jesus & I Loves You!

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