
Turn to OBJECTIVE for an objective Christian perspective

Lambuel & Friends

Kidz Crafts Kidz Artwork Gallery Draw Lambuel! Dress Up Lambuel!
<h2 class="comic">OBJECTIVE: <b style="font-size:35px; color:red">4 <b style="color:blue">K</b><b style="color:purple">i</b><b style="color:green">d</b><b style="color:orange">z</b></b></h2> <img src="lambuelhead.gif" width="190" height="116" alt="Lambuel!" /> <h3 class="comic" style="font-size:25px">With Lambuel</h3> <h4 class="comic">(As told to Peggy Miller)</h4>
Jesus Loves Lambuel - and He loves you too!

Hello! My name is Lambuel and I hope that we can be friends. I would like to share with you my love for Jesus. Did you know that Jesus loves each and every one of us? It's true! In the Bible, He says: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"... Isn't that COOL?!

And for all He's done for us, all Jesus wants is for us to love Him back! He wants us to love Him soooo much that any other love would be like hate: "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." I love Jesus more than ANYTHING... how 'bout YOU?

My OBJECTIVE is JUST 4 KIDZ! The "Z" is for "ZEALOUSNESS," 'cause Jesus wants us to be hot for Him, not lukewarm. I read in the Bible that He said: "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent"... Let's do that!

Have fun, and remember: JESUS & I LOVE YOU!

Puzzle Time!

Oh no! Lambuel is late for Church! Can you help Lambuel get to the Church on time while avoiding temptations along the way?

Get Lambuel through the maze!

Click for solution (NO SILLY PEEKING!)...

Ruby Luvs Lambuel!

<img src="ruby.gif" width="190" height="256" alt="Ruby the lioness" />

Ruby the lioness
thinks Lambuel is cute and wants to marry him one day!

But will Lambuel make a good husband for Ruby? You can help Ruby decide by matching the famous Biblical husbands to their wives:


Highlight to reveal answers: A5, B4, C1, D6, E3, F2

Habu's Corner

<img src="habu.gif" width="186" height="265" alt="Habu, an unsaved elephant" />

Hey, Habu...
How many gods do you have?

Habu says: 'I don't know... I lost count!'

Wouldn't you rather have just one God who loves you a bunch than a bunch of gods that don't love you at all?

Jesus loves everybody, even the unsaved like Habu! Remember to pray for Habu and others like him that they may find Jesus and accept Him into their hearts!

Spiritual Safety Tip

What should you do if you find an Atheist?

<img src="mrgruff.gif" width="115" height="167" alt="Crotchety old Mr. Gruff, the Atheist goat who turns to coffee for solace instead of God" style="float:left; margin-top:4px" /> <img src="mrgruffsays.gif" width="243" height="87" alt="Mr. Gruff says: 'Bah! I don't believe in anything! I'm staying home on Sunday!'" style="margin-top:20px" /> <p style="text-align:left; margin:0px">Atheists such as crotchety old Mr. Gruff think they've got it all figured out...</p> <p style=clear:both">...but then why are they always so sad?</p>

If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,

You may be moved to try and witness to
these poor lost souls yourself, however

Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.

Creation Science Fun Facts!

<p><img src="profgiraffensteinlogo.gif" alt="Professor Giraffenstein, the Creation Scientist & his little buddy Pepper the moth" width="375" height="89" /></p> <img src="profgiraffenstein.gif" width="109" height="183" alt="Professor Giraffenstein" style="float:left; margin-bottom:2px" /> <img src="pepperdino.gif" width="292" height="75" alt="Pepper says: 'Hey Professor! Haven't dinos been extinct for millions of years?'" /><br/> <p>Wrong, little buddy - Dinosaurs still walk on the land and swim in the seas! And the Earth is only 10,000 years old! Incredible but TRUE!</p>

Learn more fun Creation Science facts at
OBJECTIVE: Creation Education

Professor Giraffenstein's Sing-A-Long!

Hopsiah's History Lesson

<img src="hopsiah.gif" width="203" height="290" alt="Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew!" />

Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew knows history because his family lived it!

Hopsiah lives in the Middle East, where his ancestors and those of all the other animals and humans alive today exited Noah's Ark 4,000 years ago.

But unlike the other Kangaroos who hopped to Australia, Hopsiah's family stayed behind to witness the coming of the Messiah!

Learn more about the kangaroos of the Middle East at
OBJECTIVE: Creation Education: Kangaroos

Levi's Riddle!

<img src="leviriddle.png" width="386" height="390" alt="Why was Levi the Leviathan smiling during the Flood? He was PLESIOSAUR Noah's Ark!" />

Lambuel's Sing-A-Long!

Play Lambuel Dress Up!
Make Lambuel wear all sorts of silly clothes!

Stay tuned for more fun & prayers
with Lambuel & friends!

Lambuel shirt, one of the many fine OBJECTIVE: Ministries gifts available
And parents, don't forget to visit our store
for fun Lambuel & friends merchandise
that your (and your neighbor's) kids will love!

Please visit the following good Christian business:

The Holy Land Experience Biblical Museum & Theme Park